Our coffee sourcing
is like our water: transparent.
At White Rhino Roastery, we craft our coffee according to specialty coffee standards, but we always have a coffee for everyone. Our commitment is to people, product, and place. Enriching our farmers’ lives, buying great coffee, and looking for beans in fantastic and innovative regions all lead us to this commitment
brewtally honest
Specialty coffee must register 80 points or higher on a 100-point scale. We only purchase specialty coffees that register 84 or above.
Our coffee is highly traceable, often sourced directly from farmers and producers. We pay a premium for coffee of quality. Our prices reflect being able to give back, fairly, to those who produce these wonderful coffees.

Our promise
To ensure quality and freshness, we roast to order in small batches and ship to you direct from our roasters. Our roasting and shipping processes are optimized to ensure all our coffees are delivered as fresh as possible, whether to our subscribers or to our cafes.
Whether blend or single origin, we treat all our coffees with equal care. For every coffee, we create a custom roast designed for the best expression of that flavor profile, with exact flavors to aim for and a scoring system to ensure we hit the mark every time. We roast to order at our own roasters, and cup to ensure quality after every roast.